Sunday, May 3, 2009

Eli Howard Wilson!!!!

Hey, it's been a while since I updated everyone on our family. Well, the biggest news is our little boy Eli arrived on April 21st of 2009. He was 7lbs 11 oz. and a whomping 18.5 inches long (poor kid didn't have a chance!). Things weren't as smooth as we liked but it all turned out ok. He came home with us and that is all that matters. Alex is excited to have him in the family and is already talking about forming a club against Aeryn (the terror). We are hoping to have the club disbanned the end of the week. Aeryn is taking it a little harder. She has laid claiming to every blanket in the house and if we try to use it she just comes by and yanks it right from under Eli. We are still working on the word "share". Doesn't seem to be taking. We may have to go out and buy Eli his very own blanket so she knows it's his. She has even claimed me and Mark. If we try to pick him up when he is crying, she will start to cry and say "carry". What can I say my kid is smart. Only problem is my arms are getting tired to carrying both of them around. Well, Eli is now over a week old and is looking more and more like us every day. When I first saw him I had to make sure he was really ours. I had to have Mark replay the video just to make sure there wasn't a mix up at the hospital. It has been confirmed he's ours!! Well, here are a few pictures of our newest addition. Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! I am so happy for you and he is so handsome!